Accessing Pen drive that is blocked by admin.

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In windows 7   Pen drive are disable by admin.Suppose there are two user one is admin another is normal admin blocked the pen drive access Now how can normal can access that blocked pendrive.



Best Answer by Sharath Reddy
Answered By 55 points N/A #126505

Accessing Pen drive that is blocked by admin.


There is practically no way that you can access that particular pen drive because of the restrictions that have been put by the administrator on that specific pen drive.

  • All you can do is to see if you can access the properties of that pen drive.
  • If you can access them then look for the option of Read Only. Uncheck this option and apply the settings.
  • Now try to open it. If you still can't open it then go to start menu and open run. In that box, type the whole path of the pen drive and see if it is able to open it.
  • If this one fails too then I am sorry that there is no other way you can open that drive.
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 590495 points N/A #126506

Accessing Pen drive that is blocked by admin.


Before, there is a way if you don’t want others to use any USB flash drives on your machine by disabling the USB port right from the CPU’s BIOS. This will surely prevent others from accessing and using the USB port of your computer but gives a lot of work because you need to go back and access the BIOS again every time you want to use the USB port.

But if you don’t want to do this, you can disable the USB port of your computer by denying permission to these files:

  • %SystemRoot%InfUsbstor.pnf
  • %SystemRoot%InfUsbstor.inf

The “%SystemRoot%” is the location where the “Windows” folder is installed, usually “C:Windows”. For the complete instructions to begin disabling the USB port, see How to prevent users from using USB? Another thing, the Inf folder is a hidden folder. To view this folder, enable the option Show hidden files and folders from your Windows Explorer’s Folder Options.

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