Accessing Our Data By Sync Outlook Between 2 Computers Accessibility.

How can we sync outlook between 2 computers? How is that mechanism working? How can we implement that in our PC’s?

How can we sync outlook between 2 computers? How is that mechanism working? How can we implement that in our PC’s?
The Syncing process is the most on rage process around the globe. Somewhere someone might be scheduling their meeting with someone else. Every second someone will be syncing something. This is how the syncing is going on around the world.
For the syncing process in between two PC’s, we need to have some software called as Sync2. Which will help to sync between two PC’s all we need to have is one active outlook account.
Follow these steps to do so:
Step 1: Download the software.
Step 2: Install it.
Step 3: select the 3rd option as anexternal hard disk or USB flash drive.
(It will be using the following:
Step 4: Then it will open the synchronization step up wizard.
Step 5: select the Microsoft outlook calendar and all that you want to sync.
Step 6: Then we need to select the synchronization process.
Step 7: Select 2-way direction.
Step 8: Select the usage sync. (Which is daily or weekly like that)
Step 9: Once the software is installed we are set to go.
Has now the software is Installed in the PC successfully we are all set to go and synchronize with the 2 PC’s that too with the bi-directional sync.
Generally, the sync between any two devices works with the help of the ISP that is when it is connected to the internet and all the other reasons.
But the sync2 software is using the algorithm which can be synced eve when it is offline which is using the flash drive synchronization.
This can be done in various other ways also, but the most preferred method is this type of the flash drive technique because connecting to the internet every time we need to sync will take much more time than normal. To reduce the time complexity we can use this type of offline software.