Accepting index.shtml or index.php as a folder homepage

I want my site to accept index.shtml or index.php as a folder homepage but it's not allowing me to do so. How do I configure my site for that?

I want my site to accept index.shtml or index.php as a folder homepage but it's not allowing me to do so. How do I configure my site for that?
Generally index.php, index.html, index.xml, index.aspx etc type file are using as a homepage. You can run any file by include this type of file in your destination folder. Then you will get your index page as you homepage of your website. Basically index.php and index.html is a common file for run any homepage for website. Your index file did not support for the problem of your hosting provider service. It may happen for the problem of index page structure. You should recheck your page source code again and then try again. Hope your problem will might be solve.
Basically index.html or index.php file is the default file that is accessed when a site is accessed. If you are having problems, then please check Apachi configuration in .htaccess file in the root directory. If .htaccess file is not created then first create it inside your root directory and add the following line inside it.
DirectoryIndex index.php index.html index.htm index.shtml
Hope this helps