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After mounting a new version of PostGreSQL I did also the following updates. I couldn’t open any if theinstalled apps. So I shutdown the systems and started again but still I cannot open system preferences! How to change the admin to default whih was there before I installed the PostGreSQL? Can I recover the documents folder and other user account folders while still having PostGreSQL installed? The root folders are visible in command prompt but have restricted access. Kindly help me to correct my system.

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I am working on a code to improve the performance in javafx. What are the best aspects of optimization early as possible in code development? How to make calls for every change committed in javafx? How to change it so that calls can be made once for each frame rather than for each change? How are events helpful in modifying the javafx code for code optimization? Can anyone guide me in generating an event for the same? Can I utilize java nodes for the purpose?

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I am using Microsoft Project and I got this challenge in MS project. If I assume that I have five associates and I have to assign 5 tasks for them, what are the options I have? What is the best way to assign a task to an associate? Do there we have any standard algorithms to track the tasks and responsible associate? If I have to assign 1 task to all 5 shall I set 500% to that particular task? How to track individual performances then?

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I am looking for your kind support in the following case. I have created a form in HTML which takes multiple numeric values from the user and also some conditions. Once user clicks the submit button, the data will be received by the server. What are the ways in which the server stores the data? How to interpret the data if multiple users are using the same form from different places but at the same time? Which programming language is better for the server data access and computation of result to be displayed to the user in return?

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I appreciate your time in helping me in inserting a newline character in the formula. Is it possible to display the result in two lines? The two lines will be the output of single formula in Excel. How to insert the line break in the formula? Does any formula exist for the requirement? If it is possible to insert new line character in between the two lines what is the way to do? Should I do some formatting of entire page before running the code? The two lines should be in the same cell but in two different lines like as in we do manually by typing ALT Enter

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How to save history log of opened windows and executed scripts in gnome? can i use gnome activity journal? How to use gnome activity journal to retrieve the list faithfully? I have skimmed through the gnome deployment guide. But unable to find out the reason for not able to retrieve the list. What is apparmor? Can I use it to save the opened windows in previous sessions? How to make use of apparmor? Anybody please share the sample code and steps to accomplish this.

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I want to create a utility which performs the functions of dwm but not the way presently it is. When i press quit key, irrespective of unsaved files, opened and edited notes, the quit function kills all of them instantly. is there a way to apply a script or a wrapper to avoid killing entire tasks in one instant? When the user presses quit button, how to display the unsaved list of files to the user? atleast how to retrieve the list of files which are getting affected?

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We are working on algorithm development for voice recognition and are in process of analyzing various notes of test set. We have identified 30 voices. We will use them as our database. My straight question to the kind support group is, can I create the graphs directly using C program or C ++? We have good programmers in team. Presently they dump data into a text file. Then we manually copy paste them into excel and do the plotting activity. Your sincere help will improve our application. Next stage is to have dynamic database updating where this will be more necessary. Please teach.

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I got this unique use case where I was supposed to copy certain number of rows from one master excel to a copy excel. I did it easily by selecting using mouse and pasting it. But, for my bad luck one of the data was in a rows which was after so many empty rows because of which I could not see it. So, I decided to write some logic to detect the last word in last row so that I can copy the data reliably. I cannot copy by doing ctrl A and ctrl C because, the data where I paste is limited in size and many data has to be pasted in a single document. Please help me. In resolving this interesting issue

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I have written nice programs MS excel using VBA. I want to protect the code and also copyright it so that my name will always be displayed. But, my question is will the user be able to see the results which is a computation done in VBA code if I set the document as read only? The users can enter creative data and find relevant results. Di, some creeks should be suitable. Most of the cells should be read only. And, lastly, VBA code should execute all the time. Is it a possible thing?

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