There are plenty of exciting and unique genres of e-games. Here, we will highlight the genre of some horrifying violent games that were so violent that their names went through various controversies and were debarred in several nations. If you are action enthusiastic, here’s the go-to list of your interest. Here, we will help you figure out some of the most violent games in the history of video games that will make you go insane.
1. Soldier Of Fortune
Year- 2000
Though nowadays we recognize soldier of fortune for its graphic content it once was entitled one of the most controversial e-game for its violent gameplay. It was certified as a restricted-rated film in several countries. Here the players play as military shooters that even include dismemberment of the human body.
2. Bulletstorm
Year- 2011
Bulletstorm aimed to reward creative kills. You will be ranked on the way you kill. The methods include tossing someone into an anthropophagus plant, cactus, and much more.
3. Thrill Kill
Year- 1998
Thrill kill was highly violent as it allows four players to fight up to death within a room. The game was willing to feature the human jigsaw, anthropophagus, and botched facelift. Its insanity left it unpublished.
4. Manhunt
Year- 2003
The Manhunt is a violent game where you have to kill for your freedom. The game revolves around a plotline involving a psychopathic director. The rule is simple to kill or get killed.
5. Postal
Year- 1997
Postal deals with a strange theme where the player is set for a murderous rampage. The objective is to kill numerous armed characters using different guns. The players can even attack bystanders. However, no bonus is provided.
6. Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Year- 2009
The Call of duty franchise has earned a pretty name for its violence, but this segment made it to the next level. Here, the players are allowed to join a terrorist group that openly slaughter houseworkers at the airport.
7. Mad World
Year- 2009
Mad world is also seen as an insane splatterfest where the players are portrayed as Jack Cayman. You have to make it through Deathwatch, a televised violent game.
8. Dead Space
Year- 2008
This game is more or less similar to a zombie survival with a bit more violence. The plotline is similar to a zombie apocalypse where the dead comes back to life through the alien virus. You have to defeat them for survival. However, a wrong move can make your character suffer a violent fate.
9. Grand Theft Auto III
Year- 2001
Grand Theft Auto III, popularly known as GTA III, was a revolutionary game because of its 3D environment and freedom given to its players. The players were involved in the carjacking, soliciting prostitutes, killing, robbing, etc.
10. Carmageddon
Year- 1997
Carmageddon was violent car combat that aimed to smash up others vehicles and bring down vulnerable cows and pedestrians. It was amended and debarred in numerous countries for its violent theme.
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