1. Adding Random data

Say it’s your first time on Excel and you need to explore the features of a spreadsheet, but you lack data, this feature helps you add random values in the spreadsheet making it more convenient for you to analyze the working of different formulas. RANDOMBETWEEN (start cell, last cell), this formula helps you add arbitrary values to the sheet.
2. No need to remember formulas

The new 2016 excel brings to you an easier access to the formula tab. You don’t need to remember all the formula which you used to do in its earlier versions, in excel 2016, a method flap is present on the menu where one can glide through the list of plan’s and pick the one that one which he needs.
3. Pasting

In the new office, you can easily copy and paste the contents of the sheet into another document without the formula’s getting copied. It only copies the data and doesn’t reflect the way in which the data forms, an effective way when you need to hide your work from unauthorized persons. The Paste Special feature also provides with some new and refreshing features to choose.
4. The Formula on the go

What if I need to check the formula’s used to get all those data, this feature does this work for me, Ctrl + [`] shortcut reveals all the plan that you use for the sheet and let you dive into the information without much effort. These features were unavailable in the previous versions.
5. Quick Format

The 2016 edition offers a cooler and easier way to format your spreadsheet. One just needs to select the range of compartments that need to be formatted and below an icon appears with a list of options which helps you format your cell. It also allows us to add charts, pie table, etc.
6. Define a constant

If one is a regular user of Excel, then he may need to describe some values as constants which he uses multiple time in the sheet. Defining a constant is much easier in Excel 2016 you need to go the formula tab and click on define name.
7. Comments on data

Excel now allows you to leave a comment by your data on the sheet; this helps you to remember how the exact data came out and how you got the particular value. The feature is a boon for users who have thousands of data in one excel workbook.
8. Less consumption of RAM

In the excel 2016, you can configure the setting so that the RAM consumed by Excel minimizes and other application can perform the functions without any interruption. It is a striking feature and is one of the best one in the list.
9. More Shortcuts

New edition allows you to readily convert currency to the standard currency of your country or change the date and time to your system’s current date and time.
10. Predicting future
Excel 2016 analyzes all your old records and gives the possibility of data for the future.