
I recently got a virus on my computer that kept on eating my files. So I tried reformatting my computer to get rid of the virus. My friend gave me a installer for Windows XP which can be installed via USB. So I plugged in my flash drive and changed the BIOS setup to boot my USB first. But when I restarted my computer, this error showed up.

Missing operating system_

I don’t know what to do already. Please Help!

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I was using my audacity software when all of a sudden the lights went out.

After turning on my computer again I tried to open my audacity, and it gives me this error.


Error locking temporary folder

Audacity was not able to lock the temporary files directory.

This folder may be in use be another copy of Audacity.

Running two copies of Autacity simultaneously may cause data loss or cause your system to crash.

Do you still want to start Audacity?

I tried looking for ways to fix this problem, but I still can’t find any that could...

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Dear Reader,

I am having problems with my internet connections. Initially, it was all fine. Now, for about one month, I have been getting this error


It has persisted and I cannot access this page. It is very important that I access it for my own good. I have a perfect internet connection. What should I change to be able to access this page? Or was I blocked?

Thank you.

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My friend is having a problem installing flash player 10. I copied the installer from one of the computers at work, and when she tried to install it, nothing changed in her browsers and other flash applications.

We restarted the computer to see if it will take effect after, but again nothing changed.

So we tried uninstalling and reinstalling the software, and we get this error when opening the installer.


Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX

Error 2753. The File 'FP_AX_MSI_INSTALLER.exe' is not marked for installation.

Any idea how we can fix this?

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ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) is a network technology, which is based on transferring the data in cell or packets of a fixed size.

Can you tell me if the cell used with ATM, is small or large and why ?

Is there any difference between ATM and TCP/IP ? If yes, list out the difference. 

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     My adobe illustrator was working fine a couple of days ago, but now I get an error when I open illustrator.

The application Illustrator has unexpectedly quit.

The system and other applications have not been affected. A report has been created that you can send to Adobe to help identify the problem.

I tried to use the shift+ctrl+option+apple when double clicking to open. It didn’t help at all. I research a bit on the net and I saw that it might have to do with caches. I tried to follow the instructions given, but iam not exactly...

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Every time I attempt to use Netflix on my Nintendo Wii console, a message comes up saying “Cannot connect to Netflix. Please try again Later. If the problem persists, please visit on your computer”.

I went to the web site and it tells me to reset my console. It didn’t do a thing to help me with my problem. I tried turning my console off and on and ejecting the disk inside, which didn’t help again.
Any information will be helpful!

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I was trying to reset my PSN account password on my PS3. When I typed in my account details, an error came up saying, “your password is no longer valid”. Then I hit ok; then another message comes up saying, “server error has occurred”.

I searched around for another way, to reset my password so I hit “forgot password”. I filled up the required stuff and sent it. But another message comes out saying, “An error has occurred (800232156)”.
Does anybody know an alternative to resetting my password?

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Hello Experts,

Today I received this error from MSN Messenger "WLM 80070002 Error" "Service is Temporarily Unavailable" while trying to log into my account. I haven't got the slightest clue on how I may be able to fix the said error.

I tried following some of the instructions given in other websites, but to my avail I do not get good results.

Please help me with this error. 

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I have a problem in using Internet Explore. There is a calculation sheet online that calculates the final total based on the markup percentage. This markup percentage is input by me.

When i put a value for the first time and press update the changes are reflected. The second time i input the value and press submit, i see the old page again! After trying 2 more times i was able to get the changes reflected on the web page. Before that i kept seeing the old page over and over again.

Could this be a problem with Internet Explorer?

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