Winlogin.exe Error on Windows 8 Evaluation Copy

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I am currently running Windows 8 Evaluation copy on my HP PC. I am using an internet through a wireless router and everything is running smoothly until yesterday when the router suddenly stopped getting a connection to the internet. I checked all the cables and get a Winlogin.exe error: Cannot find drive F:. Under the nutshell, I can connect directly to the internet but I am unable to connect through the router. I used my other laptop to check if the router is working and it can connect. How can I fix this?

Best Answer by Carl Jack
Answered By 30 points N/A #125216

Winlogin.exe Error on Windows 8 Evaluation Copy




There might be a problem with software related to the router. Check for the router configuration compatibility issue with your laptop.

Uninstall the software and reinstall it and then check for the connection.

This has to solve your problem if the problem still persists contact your service provider and router.

Thank you.





Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 10 points N/A #125217

Winlogin.exe Error on Windows 8 Evaluation Copy


Hello Barry,

Use the following steps to resolve that issue:

  • On the Windows 8 "Start" page type "Shutdown Settings"
  • And then click the "Settings" Icon on the right of the screen.
  • After that click "Change what the power buttons do" on the left of the screen.
  • And then click "Change settings that are not currently available".
  • Next you will scroll to bottom of Dialog box, and then uncheck the box titled "Turn on fast startup (recommended)."
  • After that click "Save Changes" button and then exit Power Options Dialog box.



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