Windows XP Frets On Fire Error Phyton error in main scrypt

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -


I am playing Frets on Fire. I am using windows XP, but I tried also it to Windows 7 and I have the same problem.

The error image is attached here.  

My processor is Pentium 4 3.4 Ghz. Is it something about my video specs or what?

Can you help me about this problem?.

cx_Freeze: Python error in main script

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "", line 27, in?

File "src/",line 79,in?

File "",line 376,in run

File "", line 1153, in showmessagw

File "", line 366, in run

SystemExit: 1

Answered By 15 points N/A #109292

Windows XP Frets On Fire Error Phyton error in main scrypt


Hello Honey Daniels,

Okay, you are saying that you are playing Frets on fire on a computer that has windows XP, and you are trying to install the same Frets on fire that you are using on windows XP on another computer that has windows 7, right? Or what is exactly is your question?

If your question is what I have just said above then it is possible that the program Frets on fire cannot be supported on the windows 7 operating system version, but only on windows XP. So if you need to have the same game on another computer that has windows 7, then you will need to get the Frets on fire application that can be supported on a windows 7 operating system.

Hope this helps.


Clair Charles.


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