Why my dvd burner can write but can’t read?

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I have used my dvd burner many previously to copy dvds or burn them. Now, whenever I put in a burned dvd that worked before, my dvd burner can't ready anymore the disc. I tried real copy dvds and they worked. I can burn fine, just can't read the disc. 
Can anyone help?

Best Answer by Wagura lorna
Answered By 0 points N/A #118772

Why my dvd burner can write but can’t read?


Hey Jaime,

The lens of your DVD rom has grown weak, the characteristics of how it behaves when its about to fail (stop working) completely differs from one rom to another, you will to replace it, that's the best solution.

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #118773

Why my dvd burner can write but can’t read?


Because your DVD burner needs to be clean, I mean you have to clean your lens or if you want you can buy a disk cleaner or take it to the shop, or if you have enough money buy a new laptop or a new DVD burner. Just kidding with the last part of buying a new laptop. Most of the times CD or DVD burner becomes dirty when you have used it for a longer period of time, thats why my first suggestion for you is to clean the lens of your DVD burner, if you can buy a disk cleaner it will be much better, because you can be sure that you really clean it from all the dust and dirt which is on your burner. Then try to see if it can read now or play those burned DVD's' that you use before.If still you cant play any of the DVD or CD, try to check the connections on your computer, you can install and reinstall the IDE cable for your DVD drive, hopefully after you done all of this you will be able to use your DVD burner again.

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