Who can make WordPress movie trailer template professionally

Asked By 30 points N/A Posted on -

How can I learn to make wordpress movie trailer template from a professional online and what will be the charges for that if that is possible

Answered By 0 points N/A #129390

Who can make WordPress movie trailer template professionally


To make a movie trailer template in WordPress, you need to follow these steps one by one-

1. Open the dashboard of your website.

2. Open widgets and add a text.

3. Paste this code into text. The code is given in below.

Public Function Search(ByVal query As String) As Boolean
    Dim searchText As String = query.Replace(" "c, "+"c).Trim
    'the line above will replace space " " with + for two words movie
    'Example Forrest Gump 
    ' https://www.imdb.com/find?s=all&&q=Forrest+Gump 
    Dim web As New HtmlWeb()
    _markup = web.Load("http://www.imdb.com/find?s=all&q=" & searchText) Return IsMoviePage()
  End Function

4. Select a player to play trailers.

I think this would be helpful for you.



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