Where to get css templates list

Asked By 50 points N/A Posted on -

I have to do a compilation about the most famous networking sites and has to do it in HTML format and needs to do it in template form. Where can I get css templates list for these sites? Is there a website where I can just type the website and then the list of CSS will appear?

Answered By 0 points N/A #136699

Where to get css templates list


I have read your interest about CSS template. 

There are many websites available for finding the perfect CSS template for your needs.
You can certainly find the template you are looking for in this website Essential CSS Templates, Resources and Downloads
In this website, They listed some CSS templates and style to help web designers find solutions to their CSS and Coding problems.
They have a very large collection of templates that you can use to customize your website.
However, If you want to simplify things. You can try some great CSS Layout Generator.
Click here for the CSS generator. Quickly choose from the generators available for CSS and customize the way you want your template to look.

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