Where to find the downloads-downloaded with Mozilla firefox

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -


I cannot find the downloads that I have downloaded with Mozilla Firefox.

I downloaded the same files several times but unable to find where the files are.

Please help me how to find the downloads downloaded with Mozilla Firefox.

The sooner I get the solution the better.

LIoyd Copper

Best Answer by Tunacao_Caaron1
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 20 points N/A #116585

Where to find the downloads-downloaded with Mozilla firefox



Hey Lioyd!

The problem you are facing has a very easy solution.

Please follow these steps:

1. Open your Mozilla Firefox browser.

2. Go to Tools (on the upper tool bar) and click on Downloads.

3. A small window of Firefox will be open that will show all the files that you downloaded.

4. Right click on any file and select "open Containing folder". That will open the folder where Mozilla downloads all the files.

5. You can change the Download containing folder. Click on Tools again and select the OPTIONS.

6. In general Tab click on "save file to" under download section.

7. Click on Browse and give the path where you want your files to be download


Answered By 0 points N/A #116586

Where to find the downloads-downloaded with Mozilla firefox



The solution to your problem is quite simple, just open Firefox, under Tools in the upper left corner select Downloads and a pop-up window will show. 

Right click the item in the list you wish to find and click Open containing folder.

Answered By 0 points N/A #116587

Where to find the downloads-downloaded with Mozilla firefox


Thank you both, you have given the right solution for my pretty simple problem that has bothered me for a while.

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