Computer will shut down when inserting removable devices

Asked By 420 points N/A Posted on -

Dear All,

I am having a problem, but I am not yet sure who the culprit is. I am using an Acer laptop which has three ports for the USB. I cannot use any USB item to it because every time I try to plug a USB, the laptop will shutdown.

I am trying to isolate the issue. I have 1 Flash disk, 1 USB mouse and USB external hard disk. I tried every item to each of the available three USB ports, but not of them worked. And, as I said, once an item is plugged it, my laptop will restart. But, all in all aside from this, my laptop is fine.

Any ideas on how to fix this?

Best Answer by John_Parker
Answered By 0 points N/A #112263

Computer will shut down when inserting removable devices


Let me first give you some information about this USB, no matter what you are connecting to the USB port is that something draws current from 5 volts. So if a device is connected to the power hub, and you do not have a hub power adapter plug in, your laptop have too much current from the 5 volts USB connection. This has caused your laptop to shutdown or restart, that’s when if there’s something wrong with your laptop but as what you’ve said your laptop is fine. So, try your USB in another laptop or a desktop if your USB device works fine then it must be your laptop or your USB port, if the problem still occur, replace your USB device.

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #112264

Computer will shut down when inserting removable devices


Dear John,

  • As you said, every item used in any of the three USB ports makes your laptop shutdown.
  • So, I think that the USB port is physically damaged. So that, when you plug an item in your USB device, it causes an electrical malfunction (electrical short) and that explain why your computer is shutting down.
  • I would recommend you to look at pc repair shops to fix this problem.


Answered By 5 points N/A #112265

Computer will shut down when inserting removable devices


There may be two reasons for it. One, your internal programming of USB port (BIOS setup, Drivers and supported software) get corrupted. To fix it Install new OS. Second, USB Port internally got damage and its misbehave when we insert any device to it. To fix it contact Acer Service Center.

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