What are Structures in C++ Programming? I need someone

Asked By 30 points N/A Posted on -

who is good at object-oriented programming (OOP) to help me understand the concept of structure in C++ programming. Why do I need to understand this concept? How do I develop this understanding and what are some of the benefits of knowing how to use this concept in developing codes?

Answered By 0 points N/A #189330

What are Structures in C++ Programming? I need someone

C++ has advanced feature that is not possessed by C and that is classes( so called structure in C++).
Classes are identical to structures but we can have functions too as members in addition to other data 
Types. The access specifier in the class is private by default i.e the data members can be used only by the
Other members of the class. But we can make them public by using public as keyword. Classes indeed pave 
The way for inheritance. For further reading go through C++ complete reference(3rd edition) by Herbert Shildt.

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