Webcam – capture images and upload them to a webserver using ftp

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I have a webcam which captures images from a video4linux device like bittv, annotates them and uploads them to a webserver using FTP in a endless loop. But some times my webcam didn't capture any image.Why this problem occurred ?

Answered By 0 points N/A #196396

Webcam – capture images and upload them to a webserver using ftp


Hello Christoper,

The cause to that your webcam doesn’t capture images time to time will be because of the couple of issues.  I have shown below the issues that might cause this problem and check whether these things apply correctly in your webcam.
The first issue that causes this problem might be your computer normally goes to standby mode when you left it for couple of minutes. So this might stops detecting images or video capability in your webcam. Try disabling the standby option in your PC.

Other fact would be some webcams especially if you using a camcorder as your webcam do include a standby option itself. So read the manual and see how to disable the standby mode on your webcam.

Another cause for that might be because of web cam drivers. Reinstall and see whether the problem still continues.

Also try plugging your web cam to a different USB port.

Thank you.

Rubi Sharlene

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