Unable to open websites on IE8

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I’m using Internet Explorer 8 in my Windows 2008 server; I can’t open specific websites but if I log in as the Administrator, it works well. Can you please tell me why it’s doing that way?

Best Answer by Zorian Crust
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Best Answer
Answered By 80 points N/A #105668

Unable to open websites on IE8


Hello Nicholas,


Good day!

You can't open websites on internet explorer 8 because of incompatibilities of browsers and website. I suggest you to do a trial error check distinguish if the issue is on the website or in Internet Explorer 8. You do not need to uninstall internet explorer 8 just to error check your system. Just do the following steps:

  1. Except the website that you are trying to open. close other browsers
  2. Click tools and select Developer
  3. You can also click F12 as a shortcut
  4. Try to open the website that you want to open
  5. If it works this time, the issue is the incompatibility of javascript files with internet explorer

See the image below to be able to learn more:


Answered By 590495 points N/A #105669

Unable to open websites on IE8


There are websites that is still not compatible with Internet Explorer 8. This may caused by Java Script and or other add-ons needed to make the website works properly.

Adobe Flash Player also is the possible caused because it needs this software running up to date. Do check the website using the other browser and if this works with Google Chrome, Firefox and or other type of browser then Internet Explorer 8 needs to be investigated.

Go to Tools
Then Internet Options
Click on Connections tab
Then LAN settings
Uncheck all the boxes
Use a proxy server should not be check
Use automatic configuration script should not be check
Click Ok and close the Internet Explorer
Try to re-open the websites back

However, if everything fails, you can refresh the DNS software installed. But first, try browsing using the IP Address if it does works fine.

Go to Start, type cmd and press enter
On the command prompt, do ping https://www.website.com/
Look for IP Address then type this IP Address in the address bar
If the website displayed then you can do the next steps below
Going back in the command prompt
Type ipconfig/flushdns then press enter key
Try accessing the website back

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