Ubuntu Tweak needs to turn off

Asked By 60 points N/A Posted on -

Hello experts,

This fatal error occurred starting Ubuntu Tweak and I just followed the given recommendations to resolve the issue but did not get resolved. I just reported to file a new bug report. I just tried to get some solution from different forum but can’t fix this problem. I need your help to fix this issue as soon as possible. Please help me. Thanks in advance.

Ubuntu Tweak need to turn off

Ubuntu Tweak

Oops … a fatal error occurred

Ubuntu Tweak need to turn off.

If you’d like to help us fix the problem.

Please choose report to file a new bug report. Make sure to include the error message below.

Distribution: Ubuntu 11.04 natty

Application: Ubuntu Tweak 0.5.8

Desktop: gnome

Answered By 0 points N/A #175070

Ubuntu Tweak needs to turn off



Ubuntu-tweak isn’t the program for beginners to experiment initially, as it sometimes gets downloaded with corrupt source listing. This also causes crash of other applications.  This software is supported in Ubuntu MM; only thing needed is clean install without break in internet connection.

To uninstall completely, run this command:

sudo apt-get purge ubuntu-tweak

The above command will clean sweep the unwanted configuration files.

Install again from the synaptic package manager. Your Ubuntu Tweak verison is very old, upgrade to 0.8.6 which is more stable. The error will not appear anymore. Check that you have disabled firewall.

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