Problem with Lightning 1.3 and Thunderbird version 11.0.1

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -



I have installed the web application Lightning 1.3 and I’m using it on Thunderbird version 11.0.1. It shows me the status “downloading”. It provides me the .ics file which contains events. I want to import it into some of the calendars like USTA. Here, I get an error message like below-

“Timestamp: 04/10/2012 05:16:06 PM

Warning: There has been an error reading data for calendar: USTA. However, this error is believed to be minor, so the program will attempt to continue. Error code: DUPLICATE_ID. Description: ID already exists for addItem

Timestamp: 04/10/2012 05:16:06 PM

Error: An error occurred when writing to the calendar USTA! Error code: MODIFICATION_FAILED. Description:

Source File: resource://calendar/modules/calUtils.jsm -> file:///[HIDDEN]/calCalendarManager.js

Line: 1108

This error message appears 5 times more and later on a yellow triangle is seen adjacent to USTA calendar where the tool tips show me the status ‘’The calendar USTA is momentarily unavailable". USTA appears as unavailable to me and it disappears when I go to select it. The .ics file is ok. Can you please help me here.

Answered By 35 points N/A #176912

Problem with Lightning 1.3 and Thunderbird version 11.0.1



I found good workaround for this problem. Download .ics file and save it directly to your computer without importing it then go to File -> Open -> Calendar file and your problems should gone. This is simple workaround but it's proven to be working. I hope I helped you. Regards.

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