PHP.INI file is not configured correctly

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I have a project that is based in PHP with Expression 4. When I am about to preview my page on my browser, the error below pops up. This error is new to me and I need some help on resolving this. I have spent so much of my time working on this project and I do not want to lose anything and start from the scratch again. Please let me know what will happen if I click on the Yes button in the error message.

Microsoft Expression Web

The php.ini file is not configured correctly. Would you like Expression Web to configure this file?

Yes     No

Answered By points N/A #123059

PHP.INI file is not configured correctly


“php.ini” is a file that stores the configuration data of PHP. Microsoft Expression Web is unable to work perfectly with the default configuration so it is giving up this error.

Press “Yes” and continue with your project. This will make several changes to your “php.ini” and work perfectly.

This changes won’t affect other things and settings inside your PC.

Also, update to the latest PHP and Expression Web.

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