NVIDIA OpenGL Driver unknown Issues

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -


This is the error which is hampering our project.

I found an error which started from June 16th 2010. But I found no windows updates on the same date as the error, other than (Windows Defender)

May be it happens when working with Image overlays.


NVIDIA OpenGL Driver

The NVIDIA OpenGL driver detected a problem with the display driver and is unable to continue. The application must close.

Please visit http://www.nvidia.co/pages/support.html for more help.


We opened the side of the case in the possibility that there has been an overheating problem.


Nvidia Driver 
(nVidia Quadro FX 1700)

I am running: 
Windows 7 x64 
Adobe premiere CS5 Production 
nVidia Quadro FX 1700 (MRGA14L) 
4 Gig ram 
RAID 10 2 750GB drives 
Duo core 3.0 6MB L2 Cache 


Having the case open did not help.
I have installed New Nvidia drivers but get a different error:


Your hardware configuration does not meet minimum specifications needed to run the application. The application must close.

Please visit http://www.nvidia.co/pages/support.html for more help.


I have run Windows Update and installed all four updates so now I am waiting to see if the error occurs again.

Whatever is behind this, I really can’t configure. Help needed. Thanks.

Answered By 0 points N/A #90355

NVIDIA OpenGL Driver unknown Issues




The problem you are facing is that you are not able to connect your NVIDIA graphic card to your system. So as the picture is describing that the driver you are installing is not compatible with the software you are using.

1. As the picture is describing that the card you are using is not meet the minimum requirement of your system mean to say your system does not meet the requirement and therefore it is not able to connect to your system so first confirm and find which card is compatible to your system and to your motherboard so make it confirm and replace the card and then install the driver of the card it will start working. Hope this solution will help you find out how to tackle your problem.

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