Microsoft Internet Explorer cannot open the internet site error

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Here is my problem in simple words. I have been having issues downloading from one of the FTP site.

I am trying to download it on my Windows XP SP 3 machine and I am getting an error message.

Microsoft Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer cannot open the Internet site.

The server returned extended information

For all your information I have IE 7 installed on my machine. I know for sure my Antivirus or my firewall is not a reason since I have disabled all my Av services. And I have made sure that port 20 and 21 are open from my firewall.

Now I don’t understand how I am not able to download anything from this website from my network.

Can anyone help me with this?

Best Answer by StoufferPeter
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #97346

Microsoft Internet Explorer cannot open the internet site error


This can be easily solved using Ftp.exe tool. There are few steps to follow. Click Start button and then point to Programs. Then click MS-DOS Prompt and type ftp at the Command prompt and after that press Enter. At the Ftp prompt type open <IP address or host name> and again press Enter.

This happens when Internet Explorer cannot use passive mode to transfer some file. Internet Explorer doesn't support normal mode and that is for the server to connect to the client.

Another reason can be that the server has reached FTP anonymous limit.

If more information needed about FTP commands, type help and press Enter.

Answered By 590495 points N/A #97348

Microsoft Internet Explorer cannot open the internet site error


If you can’t open the site with your Microsoft Internet Explorer 7, try restarting your computer then try again. If you still can’t open it on your next attempt, try using a different web browser to open the site like Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Netscape, Safari, Opera, and others. If after installing any of these web browsers you were still unable to get access to the site, try installing an ftp client application since it is an ftp site you are accessing.

You may also try checking your computer for any possible errors. Use a disk utility application to check the system.

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