Java Script PDF floating button

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Hello Techyv,

I am in need of support from Java Experts. I have heard about floating button in the PDF using Javascript coding. If that is possible, I would like to have the Java Script PDF floating button codings for my reference and understanding. Please Help.

Thanks and Regards,

Jane Jimenez

Answered By 0 points N/A #198921

Java Script PDF floating button

To do this you only have to create a new field in the PDF document and then add action then add JavaScript. So this button will open a new window and will focus on that new IE window. Well, you got it to open a new window but the focus you can't not do because the window is not found in adobe JavaScript.
Also, instead of copying the button and paste on every single page of the PDF document you have that button float on the top right of the document and stay there even when you are rolling down the document.
I attached all what you need to build your floating button, you just don't edit below that line, I had commented that in a comment on the code that I attached in a notepad.


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