ISO standards along with VLAN

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What exactly is a VLAN? I know it is Virtual LAN but what are the ISO standards complied with it?

Best Answer by Miniaoh Pultu
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Answered By 0 points N/A #90368

ISO standards along with VLAN



Hello there,
As what you have said, it is correct that VLAN is Virtual LAN and as part of a job it has to be audited. There is an international standard for auditing something like this one and that standard is what is now called ISO. ISO is established or developed by the International Standard for Organization.
The part of the ISO that has a contract with VLAN auditing is the ISO 17799. This body establishes general principles and guidelines for initiation, implementation, maintenance, and improvement of information security management in an Organization. This body is intended as the basis and source of practical guidelines for the development of organizational security standards and effective practicing security management, and building confidence in different inter-organizational activities. 
Answered By 590495 points N/A #90369

ISO standards along with VLAN



VLAN is also known as Virtual LAN or Virtual Local Area Network. A Virtual Local Area Network is a single layer-2 network that can be divided into multiple different broadcast domains that are equally isolated so that packets can only pass between them through one or more routers. VLANs are setup by network architects to give the division services which are normally offered only by routers in LAN configurations.

Routers in VLAN topologies give security, broadcast filtering, traffic flow management, and address summarization. And also, switches may not be able to bridge or connect IP traffic between VLANs because it will breach the reliability of the VLAN broadcast domain. IEEE 802.1Q is the most commonly used protocol today in configuring VLANs.

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