Internet explorer offline updater in full to install in IE9

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Is there an internet explorer offline updater in full to install in IE9?  Although I am connected to IE8 with 64-bit, I cannot get the IE9 installer to download the installed files through a proxy server that was provided in our system.  Offline installer however requires an internet connection to download some updates to install.  I googled round and round but of no answer that would satisfy me.  Should anyone could give me some ideas to install IE9 offline updater.  Thank you very much.

Answered By 30 points N/A #171224

Internet explorer offline updater in full to install in IE9

Hi there Sutclifffe Sutcliffe,
Sure there is a full installer of the IE9.
The full installers don't contain updates needed for your OS so you will need to download those manually, depending on the OS you are using, before you try to install the Internet Explorer. To install all needed updates, please visit this link:
Once your system is updated visit the following link: and find the version suitable for your OS. It shouldn't ask you for any updates and it should work fine.
Another way to install everything is to disable your proxy for a short time so you can perform the usual install of updates and the new Internet Explorer.
Best regards,
Drake Vivian

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