Intergating the google cloud account with my Microsoft account

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

I have both a Google and a Microsoft based cloud account, I want to able to share my stuff into the Microsoft account from Google, is it possible? How can I transfer the large files without having to download them then upload them? Can I do I direct share like for he Google to Google account? 

Answered By 0 points N/A #166610

Intergating the google cloud account with my Microsoft account


Nope. It is not possible to share the information from Microsoft to Google or vice versa as they are provided by different companies and the storage are different. If you do not want to download the content and upload them manually, you could use the desktop application of both one drive and google cloud, and make the destination folder same in your desktop. However, it still consume the data usage and require time if large file are being changed in one of the drive.

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