I need time tracker net SharePoint templates.

Asked By 40 points N/A Posted on -

I am looking for time tracker net sharepoint services for version 3.0. I need the presence of function which allows logging time for specified issue many times. For example: log for issue X 25.03.2013 : 3 h 55 min, 26.03.2013: 40 min. Do you know any time tracking template for SharePoint that has this feature? Thank you.

Best Answer by Farmer Yardley
Answered By 30 points N/A #158586

I need time tracker net SharePoint templates.



Well there is none time tracking template for SharePoint with that feature.

I can suggest you time tracking software specifically but integrates into systems such as SharePoint.

And which is TSheets Time Tracking & Reporting Made Easy.

I have found that they tend to be less buggy and many have a free trial.

Hope it may help you.


Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #158587

I need time tracker net SharePoint templates.


Here is a great site: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/office/dn788776. Please visit it. All the possible answers to your questions about version 3.0 are in there. You can visit this site, too:



for the details on the SharePoint that has this feature. Most people find that this is a great fun site, that gives them more help in their own online job than they had hoped for.

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