How do I install Java runtime environment for Mac

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I purchased a 13-inch MacBook pro with i5, 2.5GHz processor, 8GB of DDR3L onboard memory which runs on OSx Mountain Lion (10.8). 

I recently found out that Mountain Lion does not include Java Runtime Environment. 

How do I manually install Java runtime environment for mac?

Best Answer by Rubi Sharlene
Answered By 5 points N/A #196787

How do I install Java runtime environment for Mac


Hi John,

I would suggest you to download the appropriate Java run time on your Mac Pro running on OSx mountain Lion through the following safe link.

However some accessibility feature would not be available through this link as Oracle would launch JRE for Mac OS X in an upcoming JDK 7 update release, and this will be then updated on oracle website.

Hope this helps.



Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #196788

How do I install Java runtime environment for Mac


Hello John,

With default, OS X Lion and Mountain doesn’t include a Java runtime environment.

Java is required for applications like SSL VPN. When java required running an application, normally you will be automatically prompted to download and install because your Mac does not detect the Java in your PC. Below, I have shown the steps to install Java on your Mac manually.


  • First download Java for OS X Lion from Apple.

            Download Java for Mac

  • Close any web browsers that are running before the install.
  • Open "JavaForMacOSX10.7.dmg" image file and run the installer inside that.
  • Continue the process with reading the instructions.

Using the terminal

  • Type "java" and you see the message “ No Java runtime present, Requesting install ” appear.
  • After that installation process will starts normally.

Thank you.

Rubi Sharlene

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