How do I fix internet problem with vista?

Asked By 40 points N/A Posted on -

Hello everybody,

I am using vista on my desktop. While I am trying to use net, then page immediately explode and say cannot be connect. How do I solve this problem?


Toby Malone

Answered By 590495 points N/A #137375

How do I fix internet problem with vista?


If this is the first time it happened on your computer, try restarting your machine then try it again. If you still get the same result after rebooting your system, check first if your computer has an active internet connection.

If you are using a cabled internet, check the back of your CPU if the internet cable is plugged properly on the network card. The LED indicator will be activated if the cable is secured.

If there’s nothing wrong with your cable, try checking if your connection is stable by visiting some websites using your web browser. You may also try watching some streaming videos through your web browser to check also the speed of your connection. The faster the video buffers, the faster your connection is.

You should also check if the website you are trying to access really exists. It’s possible that you are accessing a non-existent URL that’s why your web browser can’t establish a connection between your computer and the website.

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