How can I change of my monitor’s resolution?

Asked By 7060 points N/A Posted on -

My computer and others icon is so big.

I am change icon and small this. But it is do not work.

So what is solve?

Best Answer by Barney Stinson
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Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #79539

How can I change of my monitor’s resolution?


Dear mithun,

I am glad to help you out. Please go to desktop menu. Then click your right button of your mouse. Then go to personalize. There you will find many options. Go to display settings. Inside display setting you will see many options. There first go to display resolution. Reduce your display resolution.

Then adjust your brightness. After that you go to font size. There you can make small size of your icon. Make any size of icon which you prefer most. Then click to apply button and wait for few seconds. Because it takes few times to adjust with new resolution.

Finally you will find your display adjust way same way to want it. 


Answered By 0 points N/A #79540

How can I change of my monitor’s resolution?



Not a big problem Mr. Mithun. Come to your desktop, right click and go to Properties. Click last tab “settings”. Here you can see a drag button under “screen resolution” drag it according to pixel resolution you need click OK.
Wait to take effect. If it tries and again comes back to its old state then It means the VGA is not properly installed. Install the appropriate driver for VGA, restart computer and repeat resolution changing steps.
It will surely work.
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