How to block top free beastiality site ?

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

Hi Experts,

I am using Internet Explorer, and I want to block the top free bestiality site.

I tried in internet options, but I could not find the exact place on the browser.

Tell me step by step procedure to achieve this.

I need this to avoid children accessing that particular website.

Thank you.

Best Regards,


Best Answer by Andrew Kurt
Answered By 5 points N/A #131466

How to block top free beastiality site ?


Hello Desireenataliaa,

You can do this using the Internet Option only.

Go to the Security Tab, then select the Restricted Sites Option, Click on the Sites button.

A dialog box will appear. Write the name of the websites you want to add.

They should be blocked.

REstricted Sites Add website to the zone

These images may help.

Happy Computing.

Jack Hostler.

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #196723

How to block top free beastiality site ?


Hello Desireenataliaa,

The following method will not only block accessing unwanted sites using Internet Explorer, but also it blocks those websites in another browser like Firefox and Chrome too.

Go to
C:WINDOWSsystem32driversetc and open the hosts file using a text editor like notepad. In the hosts file, find the line localhost

If you want to block type under localhost. Replace with the URL of any website that you want to block.

For example say you want to block and You must type the following text in notepad after opening the hosts file; localhost

Now save the hosts file and reboot your computer.

Launch Internet explorer and type and hit enter. If you have followed the instructions correctly, your browser should display an error message.
Although this method seems a bit difficult, it ensures that children won’t change these settings.

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