Help Microsoft Excel time format error

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

Hi Experts,

An error occurred using Microsoft Excel 2016 saying “pls input time in HH:MM (24-HR) format only; from 00:00 to 23:59”. Kindly tell me how to set this time format. Thanks for your assistance.   

pls input time in HH:MM (24-HR) format only; from 00:00 to 23:59

Answered By 590495 points N/A #184730

Help Microsoft Excel time format error


That error is related to the time format used on the Microsoft Office Excel worksheet. The error was triggered because the time format you entered is different from the expected time format on the worksheet. So, since the worksheet is formatted to use the 24-hour time format, it expects the user to enter the time from 00:00 to 23:59 which is equivalent to 24 hours.

There are two types of time format: 12-hours or 12-hour format and 24 hours or 24-hour format. So, when you entered a time in 12-hour format, for example 2:30 pm, it throws the error. 2:30 pm in the 12-hour format is equivalent to 14:30 hours in 24-hour format. To fix the issue, simply enter the correct time on the cell in 24-hour format.

To learn how to read 24-hour time format, simply count the time from 00:00 hours which is 12 MN to 12:00 hours or 12 pm. Add the succeeding hours after 12 pm to 12, for example 3 pm, it will be 12+3=15. So, you will get 15:00 hours. The am or pm label in 12-hour format is replaced by the word hours.

The first two digits correspond to hours while the last two digits correspond to minutes. To say 7:30 pm in the 24-hour format, you say 19:30 hours or 19 30 hours when you speak it. When the minute is equivalent to 00, you say hundred, for example, 13:00 hours or 13 hundred hours.

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