Glassfish v3 asks for jdk but I don’t find

Asked By 40 points N/A Posted on -

I am having some problems installing the GlassFish v3. It asks to select a jdk when setting up the server properties but I don’t find any jdk in the runtime environment. And it ends up in the following screen:


Problem Occurrd

Starting GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 3 (Java EE 6)5 at localhost has encountered. problem.

Glassfish v3 requires a JDK 1.6 end not a JRE Please add/select the correct JDK in the Server properties ‘Runtime Environment section.

OK << Details

Glassfish v3 requires a JDK 1.6 end not a JRE Please add/select the correct JDK in the Server properties ‘Runtime Environment section.

Starting GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 3 (Java EE 6) at localhost has encountered a problem.

Answered By 40 points N/A #103419

Glassfish v3 asks for jdk but I don’t find


Hi there,

I think you have trouble finding the JDK. According to what you said, You have only JRE ( java runtime environment ).

Java runtime environment can only run java applications, we cant create, compile and convert it into byte code.

You need JDK ( java development kit ) to create it. GlassFish requires JDK.

Note :- JDK contains both the development kit and also JRE to run it.
Are you installing GlassFish through netbeans ? If yes then there must be some updates problem, recently the netbeans forums noted about some bugs and stuffs while its installation. So make sure you have the latest one.

You can download the latest JDK from this URL (official) : –

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