File maker server 9 error message

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Hello Everyone,

I am using on Mac File maker server, and we didn’t have any problems with it.

We have done upgrade to File Maker 9 server advance. But we got an error message.

Now I am not shore what is the problem.

Can someone please help me with this?


Deployment Error

Deployment/Configuration error – 150 Starting the WPE(wpe1) component failed: error code – 2504

Thank you



Best Answer by Jackson Day
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #115115

File maker server 9 error message


In type A Mac, there is a downside to Athapaskan 2.2. and Filemaker Dining-room attendant 9 Advanced.

Within side just up to all current Apples ship with Athapaskan 2.2, this presents a bit of a problem.

From your investigation we have done, it appears the Filemaker has known about this concern with regards to concerning 6 weeks as well as is actually portion of, otherwise, the reason why that Waiter 9 is not certified on Macintosh OS 10.5.

I am nevertheless looking, as are a handful of firms that I know associated with, for a remedy.

Answered By 10 points N/A #115116

File maker server 9 error message


Hi Johhny,

I don’t know really what kind of that problem is but yes I can tell you the problem is because of OS and your new version of File Maker.

The problem though comes in File Maker 11 as well.

Follow these steps to remove the error –

1. Shut down the database server,

2. Shut down the web publishing,

3. Start database again and also start the web publishing.

I think you only need to do it again.

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