Fatal Error occur on application load

Asked By 30 points N/A Posted on -


Recently I download a game and I installed it without any problem in the system. After a day when I try to play the game, I got this fatal error message. I do not understand anything from the error message. This message is very blank and confusing. How do I fix this error? Do I need to reinstall the game again? Please help. Thanks a lot.


Fatal error!

Type == kCachedAssetType & pathname.find

(“library/cache”) ! = 0

Answered By points N/A #187036

Fatal Error occur on application load



In order to fix this issue, you have to follow certain things. The problem is because of corrupted material file that is making the compilation troublesome.

First, move the file of a project manually along the associated metadata. Launch Unity, recompile and rebuild the project again. This should take a long time. Copy the “Library” folder without the “Metadata” folder and overwrite the newly created “Library” folder.

Also, you can update your Unity so that you could get better performance and more features. Download Unity.


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