Fatal error!- Error opening/initializing the selected video_out

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

 Hello Guys,

I want to enable my video out to my computer. I am using Ubuntu as my OS, and I don’t know how to configure it.

The error appears and tells me that an error initializing the selected video out.

So please help me about this on how to configure the video out on my computer.


Fatal error!

Error opening/initializing the selected video_out (-vo) device.

Best Answer by Harpe byers
Answered By 0 points N/A #116925

Fatal error!- Error opening/initializing the selected video_out



You should install Nvidia software to solve the problem. From the accessories you don't open the terminal window and run by typing this "sudo apt-get install Nvidia-current". In the next step run the command to set up the file "Sudo Nvidia config".

By setting up all these steps you can run video files. Before running video you should restart the computer. You can install other sound software. But I think Nvidia software is the best to solve your problem. Thank you.

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 10 points N/A #116926

Fatal error!- Error opening/initializing the selected video_out


Dear Gina,

You are currently not using valid video output services.

Follow these steps to remove the error –

Option I –

1. Use “mplayer –vo help”,

2. Specify manually by typing “mplayer <device><file>,

3. Use the code “mplayer –vo xv oranges.avi” or “mplayer –vo x11 oranges.avi” to run either of the file format mkv and wma.

Option II – You can write down vo option in the configuration file of mplayer and you can save time in writing full codes every time.

1. Edit the file with this line – “gedit $HOME/.mplayer/config”,

2. Also add a line vo=xv.

Enjoy your videos!

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