Error shown after installing the mashup to deploy it with mashup composer

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Hi to all,

I recently installed the mashup to deploy it with my mashup composer, but I could not succeed.

It seems as if, all of my effort has been wasted. Every time I try to deploy it, I get the following error:

The screenshot of the error is as follows:

The error from the Mashup Repository was: Failed to create temp file

Serena Mashup Composer 2009

Check in attempt failed for application 'Referencement laboratoire'.

The error from the Mashup Repository was: Failed to create temp file.

I un-ticked the checkout option, but still, the error popped up. I also reloaded the services, but all in vain.

Does anyone has any idea as to why is this happening? Kindly help me out in solving the problem.

I'll be really thankful.

Kindest regards.

Best Answer by Brown Dubin
Answered By 0 points N/A #155049

Error shown after installing the mashup to deploy it with mashup composer


It occurs because when a user try to write, the IIS check the user. If the user has write privileges and then it proceed otherwise not. In the Application Engine Directory it creates a file but the current user is not privileged to make write operation. So make sure that the user has write privileges.  

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 5 points N/A #155050

Error shown after installing the mashup to deploy it with mashup composer



That is a very serious error, my advice would be to first of all make sure you check to see if you have enough free disk space, because its the most likely cause of the error.

If that's not the problem, then check the lls and make sure that the user has the right privileges to the  Engine directory. I believe those two will help you overcome that error

Good luck.

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