Error MS Access: One or more values are prohibited by validation rules

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

Hello guys

While I was running MS Access I put the quantity in a table along with clicking on a new table and then I chose both tables to make a comparison between data. I just wanted to put the outcome in a fresh table; however, ended up with the following error message reading, “One or more values are prohibited by validation rules”

Microsoft Access

One or more values are prohibited by the vatidation rule LiI °[FAL] #### set for ‘Members.MembershipNumber. Enter a value that the expression for this field can accept.

OK Help

Please I want a solution for this problem. Anyone here who can help me solve it?? Thanks in advance.

Answered By 25 points N/A #104492

Error MS Access: One or more values are prohibited by validation rules


Dear Malina Foster

According to the Microsoft office access 2007 developer reference support page, the error message you got is marked as "Error 3317: One or more values are prohibited by the validation rule '<rule>' set for '<name>'. Enter a value that the expression for this field can accept". The cause of this error is that the validation rule property you use "Like "[FAL]# # # #" for that field contains an expression which limits the values that should be entered in that field. Have a look of the value you enter and make sure that it's not prohibited by your expression.

Hope this may help you.

Best of luck

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