Error 116 while using Lab View

Asked By 30 points N/A Posted on -

I am currently using Lab View, but I am having a hard time saving files because I get an error message whenever I save a file

Error 116 occurred at Unflatten from String in VideoMASTER Analyze>LabVIEW API Off-Line"Possible reason(s): LabVIEW: Unflatten or byte stream read operation failed due to corrupt, unexpected or truncated data.

I just recently used this application so I am clueless of what is going on and I have no idea how to fix the problem. I have searched the internet for solutions but to no avail. I need your help in fixing this problem.

Any help will do.


Answered By 0 points N/A #152464

Error 116 while using Lab View


Hello David,

There must be a problem on a Labview file that you want to open. Check first your computer for possible errors- especially on the hard drive- using a diagnostic tool or disk utility applications. After checking your computer, open the Labview file. If you still receiving error, uninstall your previous version and reinstall  latest and newly downloaded one to fix any corrupted file and restore its setting from the its default. Whatever you have customized from your previous application will return to its default setting. If it is still not working, it is best to contact your service provider or service center for further problem diagnosis and evaluation.

Hope this information would be useful.

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