Error 0x80070057 The Parameter Is Incorrect

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Hello I am trying to backup my files in windows 7, but the backup fails and the following message occurs “error 0x80070057 the parameter is incorrect”. Help ?

Answered By 0 points N/A #277641

Error 0x80070057 The Parameter Is Incorrect


Hello, to solve the error 0x80070057 the parameter is incorrect follow the below steps :
First by changing the decimal symbol ‘.’ (dot) Following steps are required to change the decimal symbol :
1. Firstly open the control panel, and then go on Clock,Language and Region and later go on Region and Language
2. Next click the format tab and then go on the Additional Setting.
3. The decimal symbol filed type manually . (dot) and then click on ok button twice.
4. Later, restart the computer to get its affects.


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