DNs from Directory Assistance don’t match ACLs of Domino Database

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -


Hi there,

I have modified the Directory Assistance to permit web users to validate their credentials from the LDAP Directory. What should I do when the DNs from this directory don’t match with the names of ACLs of Domino Database? Thanks in advance.

Answered By 20 points N/A #93715

DNs from Directory Assistance don’t match ACLs of Domino Database


Hey Edcasey!

There are three main steps to know whether the DNs from this directory match with the names of ACLs of Domino Database or not. These steps are as follow:

Step 1: In LDAP directory, add Notes distinguish names:

  • In the user entries of LDAP directory, you have to choose an attribute for the purpose that it may store the value of the Notes Names from the remote LDAP directory.
  • For the LDAP directory user entries, add Notes Names; for the selected attributes; as values
  • Try to use the available tool because for the purpose of adding names, Domino itself does not provide any tool.
  • For the Notes Names value you have to use the LDAP format,

Step 2: To use the Notes Distinguish names, set up directory assistance:

  • For LDAP directory, Create one Directory Assistance Document, of you have not yet made any.
  • To store the Notes name, add name of Attribute which is used in the directory of LDAP. You can add this name in the Attribute to be used as Notes distinguished name" field.
  • Make sure about the rules of Trusted Credentials and also make sure that these rules are matched with both LDAP and Notes distinguished name.
  • Now just save the document of Directory Assistance.

Step 3: On ACLs Server:

  • Now just add the Notes distinguish names to the database.
  • And in the end, for the name, use the Notes format.




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