DirectX 8: where can I get this one?

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -

Hi guys, 

I bought a disc from which have the installers for  certain games.

I installed it without any problem but when I tried loading it an error message appears.

Can you someone  tell me what I need to do to solve this one? 

Unhandled exception


No DirectX 8 rendering hardware were found on your computer.


at GraphicsD3D8Impl::CreateD3DObject

at GraphicsD3D8Impl::ctor

at GameAppBase::SystemInitialize

at GameAppBase::Initialize

at MyGameApp::Initialize


Answered By 0 points N/A #85488

DirectX 8: where can I get this one?


DirectX is a component of your system. It helps improve experience with multimedia. It provides updated graphics or full color graphics, quality audio, faster framesets. You might have one installed already since it is a system component but what you have might not meet the system requirement of the game that you are about to install. It is always a question of compatibility. The game requires a DirectX version 8 and what you have might be the older versions. You can actually get it online. Just search for it and it will give you results for downloads. You can also check from local computer shops if they can have this version of DirectX installed in your system. Thank you. Good day!

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