Desktop folders and applications disappear

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Desktop folders and applications disappear

I was using my computer yesterday, for surfing the Internet. I encountered errors and pop-ups. I just closed them all, using right click on the task tray, then clicking the close button. After closing them all, I have shutdown my computer. I have noticed today after opening my computer, that all applications and folders in my desktop are all gone. What happened?

How can I restore them all, I have important files saved on desktop. Please help.

Answered By 0 points N/A #81634

Desktop folders and applications disappear


Desktop folders and applications disappear

That issue was frequently encountered by computer newbie’s. I don’t think that you are a newbie but I know you haven’t known some configurations on your computer. Many computer users encounter this problem &  thinks that he was infected with a virus. Now let’s take some test, to prove that all things in your desktop were still there.

Navigate your drive C: or where your operating system was installed, look for the folder named “Documents and Settings” or “Users” in Windows 7, then click it. Under Documents and Settings look for a folder with your username, the one you used to log-on at the moment.  Then look for the “Desktop” folder and click it.  You will see on the right pane of the window all objects you put into your desktop. If you see them, that means they are not deleted.

Here’s how to show them into your desktop. Right click on your desktop then click “View” on the pop-up menu then click Show Desktop icons.

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