Create Digital signed certificates using Microsoft office tools

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Dear friends of the techyv community.

I want to create digitally signed certificates using Microsoft office tools. I can’t seem to be able to finish one.

Step by step instructions would greatly help.

Thank you in advance to who will be able to provide answers. 

Create Digital Certificate

This program creates a self-signed digital certificate that bears the name you type below. This type of certificate does not verify your identity.

Since a self-signed digital certificate might be a forgery, users will receive a security warning when they open a file that contains a macro project with a self-signed signature.

Office will only allow you to trust a self-signed certificate on the machine on which it was created.

A self-signed certificate is only for personal use. If you need an authenticated code signing certificate for signing commercial or broadly distributed macros, you will need to contact a certification authority.

Answered By 0 points N/A #80628

Create Digital signed certificates using Microsoft office tools


Signature used for the authentication of a digital document is called digital signature. You can add digital signature to any of MS Office document.

1.      Double click on the line where you want to put your digital signature in the document.

2.      Now in the sign dialog box if you want to add your printed signature, put your name in the box.

3.      But if you want to add a hand written signature then in the box next to X sign your name by using inking feature. And now click on sign.

It is done. Your document is now signed digitally. Hope it works well.

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