Capacity of 2Tb Seagate LP ST2000DL001.

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -


 I got this 2Tb Seagate LP ST2000DL001 which is recognized in Bios for (model number, serial, capacity but I always get the response is busy. What could be the reason for this or is it head stuck. Any one with an idea please advice your suggestions will be highly appreciated.

Answered By 5 points N/A #105051

Capacity of 2Tb Seagate LP ST2000DL001.



Hello and good day!

 This problem here might just be a SMART issue. SMART is the monitoring aspect of your hard drive that checks if your hard drive is fit or healthy enough for operation. Sometimes if the value is not right or corrupted in some way it can lead to weird functions not typical to the correct operation of the hard drive concerned. Resetting the values may return normal functionality back to your hard drive. Unfortunately only the manufacturer could do that or if you had some type of terminal utility you could use to access the firmware which is very dangerous by the way. I'd say its best to RMA the drive and get a replacement that works.


Have a good day!





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