Can we already delete page from adobe reader?

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -


I am currently using the Adobe reader to view my PDF reports and there are instances that I need to delete and add pages in it. I understand though that I can only use this through the Adobe Acrobat and not with the Adobe reader. And it is such a hassle to be switching from the reader and the Acrobat just to delete and add pages. So, since our tech world is fast evolving, can anybody tell me if there are already any updates if we can easily delete page from adobe reader? Thanks!

Answered By 0 points N/A #153460

Can we already delete page from adobe reader?



Hi Asteneves,

Sorry, you cannot use Acrobat Reader to delete or add page(s) to your pdf file. My advice is you should switch to use Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Acrobat Pro.

If you choose Adobe Acrobat Pro, I will guide you step by step:

In order to delete page(s):

Method 1: Open your file > Document > Delete Page… (Shift + Ctrl + D) > in the pop-up window: choose from… to… > click OK button

Method 2: Open your file > Document > Extract Pages… > in the pop-up window: choose from… to… and check Delete Pages After Extracting > click OK button

The method #2 will extract your page(s) to an isolated file, and delete page(s) from your original file.

In order to add page(s):

Open your file > Document > Insert Page… (Shift + Ctrl + D)

–          From File… (Shift + Ctrl + I): locate the file which contains page(s) for inserting

–          From Clipboard: insert page(s) from Clipboard

Hope this helps

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