3040 Turbocad and NewlyDraw settings

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Hello Techyv,

I am using ‘3040 Turbocad’ and ‘NewlyDraw', which are old versions with parallel port connection. I am facing a problem with the cutting of curbed things. It is not happening all times but sometimes it is happening and I don’t have any idea why this is happening.

When I am drawing a curved line, where it is bending along the line with a shape, as I am continuing drawing the line by placing points and I think it is called Bezier. It is looking good on screen with Turbocad but when I am loading the same to ‘NewlyDraw’ it is drawing both straight line and curved line and the curve line is looking good but the points are connecting with a straight line and sometimes when I am copying, it does not look good. I don’t know why this is happening and I think there is some problem with settings. Please help me to solve this problem. I will be grateful for all the help.


Answered By 10 points N/A #119184

3040 Turbocad and NewlyDraw settings


I also think that is a problem with the settings, or maybe a problem with how you are importing the drawings from the Turbocad to NewlyDraw. As for the settings you will need to check the settings in the Newlydraw application for there is where the problem is coming up. In case it has been set not support dotted lines and therefore changing them to straight lines as its default settings may require then you will need to change that.

If the problem is occurring as a result of how you are importing the drawings, you will need to make sure that when importing them you paste them so that the default source format is retained. That kind of pasting is the 'paste special' and you will find it under edit in the Newlydraw application.

-Thompson Locker

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