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I am using OS XP (SP2). My modem was working well. Suddenly a screen appears which tells that Windows can not detect the USB Modem. What the problem?

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For the past 3 or 4 hours, the performance of my HP laptop is quite slow. I'm only using Firefox & Google Chrome.

These are the two applications which I mostly use, but never faced any problem.

I've just checked in the Windows Task Manager & here I found that CPU...

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I just installed XAMPP version 1.7.4 on my laptop. When I access the localhost, using a secure connection (SSL, using https) it gave a warning about security certificates. The warning goes like this “The site’s security certificate is not trusted!”.

Well, I don’t know much about this, but how making a...

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I’ve been frustrated lately, since my Microsoft Outlook 2007 was not function properly. It gives me a strange (according to me) error message when I click the Send/Receive button. It said: “Not Implemented”. Just like that. How can I search for help, if the error message was only two...

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I’ve been using dual boot on my laptop for a sometimes, Windows XP and Ubuntu 10.

The default operating system is Windows XP, so Ubuntu was installed as a second operating system.

The booting screen currently is handled by Ubuntu.

So every time I want to log on to my Windows XP,...

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Hi to all!

I am using Firefox 6.0. Before, I had Firefox 3.6.8. I saved my different account passwords in Firefox 3.6.8. When I installed Firefox 6.0, those passwords were lost.

Can I have the proper solution for this?

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I would to know that if there’s a way that I can extract a compressed file such as tar.bz2 or tar.gz using 7-Zip in one single click. Usually I have to extract this kind of file in two steps. First I extract the tar.bz2 file into tar file, and...

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Hi people,

I have a problem with Core FTP Software. Do you know it is used to upload our files from our system to FTP Server.

I downloaded it  from When I tried to install it then I have encountered this problem.

What is this problem? Is it a...

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I wonder does anybody here ever have some difficulties to capture entire web page into a picture.

What I mean is a whole page from top to bottom.

I tried to use the print screen function, but it only captures the entire screen not the entire page.

The page needs to be...

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I'm using HP g6 laptop. It has a built in HP Webcam. Yesterday when I tried to use my webcam, an Error message appeared, "Error: 8007001f, Cannot run preview graph". After the message, my webcam turned off.

Later, after some time, when...

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