Wired computer is connected but is unable to get online

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Hi ! I am a newbie here and I am not computer savvy. I have several computers (around 8 computers running wireless and 2 wired computers) I am wondering why one of my computers is connected but is not able to get online. All the wireless devices I have are working fine. I am just having difficulties going online with my Windows XP computer which is wired to my box.

Please answer. I really need help immediately!


Mitchelle Edwards

Best Answer by Alexa Royce
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Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #81724

Wired computer is connected but is unable to get online



In order to resolved your issue, you must do the following first:
Check if the adapter is working properly on your device manager:
1. Click Start >> Right click My Computer >> Click on Properties >> Click on Hardware Tab >> Click on the Device Manager button.
2. Look for Network adapters and click on it.
3. Look for anything that says Local Area or Ethernet adapter or 10/100/1000 which is the description for your wired or ethernet connection and then right click on it.
4. Another window will pop-up and on the bottom of it, you will find device status. Make sure that the status is "the device is working properly". If you see a message other than this one, then that simply means that your LAN card is either not properly installed or disabled. If it is disabled, just click on the enable button on the bottom part of the screen. If the device is working properly, do the next steps.
Check the IP address:
1. Click Start>> Click Connect to>> Click on Show all connections >> Right Click on Local Area Connection >> Select on Status.
2. Click the Support tab.
3. Check the IP address. If the IP is 169.xx.xx.xx, you will not be able to get online since you are getting an invalid IP from your box. To resolve this, please power off your box as well as your computer.
4. Once it comes back up, check the IP again. If you still have the same IP, then contact the maker of your box.
– Alexa –
Answered By 0 points N/A #81725

Wired computer is connected but is unable to get online


You first need to secure your ethernet connection between your router and computer. If it is secured and it still gives you a problem, try connecting the cord to a different LAN port at the back of the router. If still the same, try a different ethernet cord. If the cord is working fine, check if your browser has proxy enabled. If it is, disable the proxy settings by clicking start, control panel, internet options, connections tab, LAN settings, and remove the check from Use a proxy server. If its not using a proxy server, try opening your command prompt. Click start, run, enter 'cmd' and hit OK. On the black DOS prompt window, type 'ping www.google.com'. This will test the connection of your computer to the internet. If it returned all packets sent, it means that there is internet connection. So it could be a browser problem that we are having. If that is the case, you can reset your browser to factory default settings. Click start, control panel, internet options, advanced tab, and click reset. This should resolve it.

Note: You have to powercycle, or restart the router by turning it off, then turning it back on after at least 30 seconds. You can do this by disconnecting and reconnecting its power plug. You can also try to restart your hardwired computer. Doing these first usually does the trick.

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