WiFi not working on Nintendo

I tried to connect to the internet using a Nintendo WiFi USB adapter, but it gives an error as well as wireless connection with the router.
Why is WiFi not connected to internet?

I tried to connect to the internet using a Nintendo WiFi USB adapter, but it gives an error as well as wireless connection with the router.
Why is WiFi not connected to internet?
Is this the first time you are using the USB adaptor on your Nintendo? Was it properly installed? Can you provide the error message you are getting? You may try to run a connection test after installing the wireless USB adaptor. You will be able to verify if you are getting a connection successful test or not. If you get successful connection but still unable to connect, then you may want to check if there are any firewall, antivirus or antispyware programs you have running. Those programs regulate traffic into your connection. It also controls ports on the pc which allows them to send and receive traffic.